Experience with Shinnyo-en and Soka Gakkai

Does anyone here have experience with Shinnyo-en and Soka Gakkai? I would be very interested to hear reports of experience with their practice, and some details about their practices.
Thank you!

Gregory Hamilton Schmidt的头像


I have a friend at work who is a member of SGI.
He talks about how they get together at each others' houses, chant, read Josei Toda's writings and talk about their lives and problems.
Seems more like a support group.

He also mentioned, however, how they're organized into districts with leaders, etc.
Recalling the forced conversions and observation of converts by the early Soka Gakkai "military order," this element makes me rather nervous.

I doubt I'll be sitting in for a session anytime soon, but I'd be interested in hearing from others with direct experience with SGI.