Chapter 7 (p 121) references Uttarakuru Here are a couple of useful links on this mythical country and its people. references the "detailed description of it... in the ātānātiya Sutta. (D.iii.199ff; here Uttarakuru is spoken of as a city, pura; see also Uttarakuru in Hopkins: Epic Mythology, especially p.186) Here the men are described as surpassing the gods of Tāvatimsa in the following four ways:
They are, however, inferior to the men of Jambudīpa in courage, mindfulness and in the religious life (A.iv.396; Kvu.99). Additional points, also with references to the canon are provided on this page. |
Wikipedia presents some additional information on this topic, including a laundry list of possible geographic locations for Uttarakuru country.
The following quotation is provided without documentation: "Uttarakuru probably comprised north-west of Sinkiang province of China and parts of the Tian-Shan."
There are, however, a number of references and sources listed below the article that may be useful for one who would like to pursue this subject further.