Dear all,
The video is very touching, I can feel how great the mother love...... The love and care provided by mum is un-measureable, as big as great ocean.....
For the little one, it was a great physical suffering went through pain at such a young age.
For the parents, it was an unmeasurable mental suffering. As parents, we understand what it is like when the heart is in pain.
i visited a baby in an ICU years back. (someone whom i do not know but i was about to bank in the collected donations and prayers for the parents). My heart was in great pain seeing those "wires" and "tubes" all around the little body....
REF: Notice how active the baby is
Hi there,
I was very touched by the sight of a tiny baby's expressions.
What can you see from some of the expressions?
1 pound miracle
Very touching video. The love from a mother is so wonderful...
Yek Ming
1 pound miracle
Dear all,
The video is very touching, I can feel how great the mother love...... The love and care provided by mum is un-measureable, as big as great ocean.....
With regards,
Gaik yen
Re: one pound miracle
For the little one, it was a great physical suffering went through pain at such a young age.
For the parents, it was an unmeasurable mental suffering. As parents, we understand what it is like when the heart is in pain.
i visited a baby in an ICU years back. (someone whom i do not know but i was about to bank in the collected donations and prayers for the parents). My heart was in great pain seeing those "wires" and "tubes" all around the little body....
Another example of the great love demonstrated by a mother !
Dear all,
It was an amazing miracle indeed and i was truly touched when 1st reading this from a local chinese newspaper days ago.
For those who read English, you may follow this URL.
媽媽抱抱 夭折嬰復活
2010/8/31 | 作者: | 點閱次數:401 | 推薦朋友 | 新聞評分 | 環保列印
今年三月,懷孕二十七周的凱特(Kate Ogg)生下龍鳳胎,女嬰艾蜜莉相當穩定,但是男嬰傑米情況不妙,醫生進行二十分鐘搶救後,宣告夭折,並把只有九百零七克的他,交給傷心的父母大衛和凱特。
這種被稱作「袋鼠療法」(kangaroo care)的照護技術,近年來有推廣的趨勢。顧名思義,母親或其他親人仿效袋鼠的育兒袋,把新生兒抱在懷中,有為新生兒保溫的作用。
Resnponse to sharing by Sis Wai Cheng
Dear Sis Wai Cheng,
Your sharing is interesting and touching. I was impressed by the great love by mum. Amituofo.
With regards,
Gaik yen