Parenting : Touching the Hearts of Our Youth

Dear All,

A good video clip to share on the important of connection in family.

REf: connecting with people

Hi BH and All,

I enjoy the u-tube message.

We are very lucky to have the e-learning , emails and SMS to stay connected in our modern ways of life.

Though for young people is more important to have the Face-to-face (F2F) as shown realistically by the grandson in the u-tube.

cheers, amituofu.

may you stayed connected.




Dear sis,
Thanks for the video clip sharing. It is a very "familiar" scene to me though :) If i would share it with my father - the grandma, he may be able to relate to it better :)
The only differences here is my little friend is not as gentle as the boy in the video clip, instead he just pushed away the newspaper and these happens to me and my hubby too :(. Nowadays, he seems to be more "tolerate" as i explained to him that i need to have a minute reading through the newspaper before i could actually attend to him.

Anyway, it is again back to the precious teaching of Ven Thich Nhat Hanh of the mindfulness and the "complete attention" given to ourselves and our love one that makes the living in the moment real...
