Japanese Buddhism

TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
The legacy of Meiji Restoration on Buddhism 0 1 year 40 weeks ago
by Lean Keat Teoh
Pure Land 3 7 years 19 weeks ago
by Gregory Hamilto...
1 year 42 weeks ago
by bhantekirti2019
Mizuko Kuyo and Japanese Buddhism 0 1 year 43 weeks ago
by Sai Jo Chuah
Mizuko Kuyo and Japanese Buddhism 0 1 year 43 weeks ago
by Sai Jo Chuah
Nichiren Buddhism 4 1 year 48 weeks ago
by bhantekirti2019
1 year 44 weeks ago
by bhantekirti2019
Shinran and His Jōdo Shinshū 0 1 year 44 weeks ago
Seventeen-Article Constitution of Prince Shotoku 0 1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
Zen Buddhism 0 1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
Japanese Buddhist Schools 0 1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
Zen Meditation 1 5 years 22 weeks ago
by myat kay khaing
1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
Spread of Buddhism to Japan 9 12 years 32 weeks ago
by pspitze
1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
Practising the Nembutsu ( " Namo Amida Butsu " ) 0 1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
What is Bodhicitta ?? 0 1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
Shintoism in modern Japan 3 3 years 3 weeks ago
by Alejandro Cardeinte
1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
Jodo Shu 0 1 year 45 weeks ago
by Hiew Boon Thong
Introduction Buddhism to Japan 1 2 years 40 weeks ago
by Khin Hnin Nway
2 years 24 weeks ago
by LeeNee.Lim
Christianity in Japan 2 4 years 16 weeks ago
by Heber Patetta
2 years 39 weeks ago
by Sergio Zenere
Introduction Buddhism to Japan 0 2 years 40 weeks ago
by Khin Hnin Nway
Gender differentiation in Zen Buddhism? 1 5 years 22 weeks ago
by Ngung Chia Siew
2 years 42 weeks ago
by Alejandro Cardeinte
The importance of tea 0 3 years 50 weeks ago
by Anna Zanardi
Who is this deva? Is he related to Japanese Buddhism? 2 5 years 20 weeks ago
by Nguyen Thi Phuo...
5 years 20 weeks ago
by Nguyen Thi Phuo...
The Concept of Salvation in Japanese Buddhism? 3 6 years 24 weeks ago
by Earl Hardie Karges
5 years 22 weeks ago
by Pei Wan
Nichiren Shonin 4 6 years 23 weeks ago
by Wong Fook Ming
5 years 22 weeks ago
by Pei Wan
Buddhism for dummies (short introductory course by Rev. Bob Oshita, Japanese Pure Land School) IN ENGLISH 1 5 years 42 weeks ago
by Sergio Zenere
5 years 23 weeks ago
by Pei Wan
Ekayana Buddhism 0 6 years 19 weeks ago
by Alfredo Garcia ...

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